Bioschemas support to FAIR
FAIR on Training Material and Training Events Nettab 2018
Victoria Dominguez Del Angel @vic_bioinfo
Why caring about Training and event Training in life science scientists?
- Explosion of data analyze
- Thousand of possible tools and pipelines for specific analyses
- Find accurate learning path to improve skills and curriculum
Find training through Search Engines is not always easy
Small labs, departments and organizations do not typically have as much traffic as larger institutions so are ranked lower in search results
Harder to find advanced or niche topics. Training about common topics and introductory courses are more visible as they’re more popular
Ending: Search engines are not optimal for finding training
FAIR Model
- Metadata description (YAML file, JSON-LD)
- Integration with ontologies as EDAM ONTOLOGY (link with other resources) DAG EDAM Browser
- Integration with FAIR resources (Dataset, tools and so on)
- Technical support for different platforms
Beyond FAIR
- Open development process on GitHub, GITLab & via Gitter
- Open education movement
- Open Data
TeSS in numbers
Bioschemas on Goblet AGM 2017
- Goblet
- Having markup in training materials allows training registries to find your materials
- Event vocabulary:; Event schema has many attributes, which not be important for training materials or courses
- Need to decide if event or course is better, as above groups use Event schema
- based on (Topic: EDAM ontology)
- based on
Methodology for adopting a new profile
- Find and characterize Use cases
- TeSS and other training websites
- Perform a Cross Walk
- Compared the metadata presented by 15 training providers
- Discussed and determined cardinality, minimum, controlled vocabs
- Keep discussion alive with Tasks and issues
- Forum for ongoing discussion via Github Issues
- Make Examples
- Show code examples to give adopters a sense of how to join
Bioschemas Cross Walk (Training Materials)
Adding Bioschemas to a website
- Map existing metadata to fields described by Bioschemas vocabulary
- Create a Expose those variables
Ongoing Work (TeSS and Goblet)
- We are currently working on an enhancement to Making Bioschemas for
Wrap up
- Bioschemas is a community project which;
- Creates specifications for Life science resources : Proteins, Samples, Beacons, Tools, Training, Person, etc
- Create an enhanced interoperability layer to apply over
- Cardinality, Minimum information, controlled vocabularies: this constrains the content and format of the loose to allow automatic extraction
- Creates tools to make bioschemas easier to create, validate, and extract
Wrap up
- Join the W3C Bioschemas Community Group (detailed instructions below), this will also subscribe you to the mailing list
- Get involved in discussions on GitHub and Gitter
- Join our Slack workspace
What are you waiting for?